If you are the real owner of any content that is being sold on this website without your prior permission, please notify us by Call / WhatsApp at 8815928974 or send a email on [email protected]

We will remove that content immediately and will terminate account of that seller. We always try to allow sellers to upload only content that is created by them. But if anyone is trying to sell duplicate/copyrighted study material on this website, please notify us. We will be thankful to you. and will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Our Vision

This website is specially designed to help those students who really want money for their daily expenses. So many students are suffering from poverty in India. So we want to help those real honest poor students by allowing to sell their quality study notes on this website. It helps both types of students (Buyers and Sellers)

This is the simplest way to earn money online as a Student. You don’t need to deliver notes at Customer’s address, because you will sell only PDF of notes. After payments, Customers can download the PDF.

My Notes
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