
OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS II GATE/CSIR-NET/B-tech 1st year handwritten notes

Original price was: ₹25.00.Current price is: ₹15.00.

Hi there!! These notes are prepared in accordance with the current GATE syllabus.
Useful for Btech/Bsc university exams, CSIR-NET exam , GATE exam.
Subject – Applied Physics
PDF size – 3.7mb
Pages – 28
Language – English


Topics covered in these notes are mentioned below:

1) Cardinal points of co-axial lens system

2) Spherical and Chromatic aberrations and their removal

3) Huygen’s eyepiece (Construction & working)

4) Ramsden’s eyepiece (Construction & working)

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OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS II GATE/CSIR-NET/B-tech 1st year handwritten notes
25.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹15.00.