Engineering chemistry water technology, Engineering Materials, Fuels, Spectroscopic Techniques, Corrosion Science unit notes


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Subject: Engineering Chemistry

Total Pages : 145

Size : 22 MB

Langauge : English

NOTE : During the exam time you will get more important  topics to study first and score more marks in exams. I have scored excellent marks in exams by referring the above notes.


contents in pdf
1) Unit I
Water Technology
Impurities in water, hardness of water: Types, Units and Numericals. Determination of hardness
(by EDTA method using molarity concept) and alkalinity, numericals. Ill effects of hard water in
boiler – priming and foaming, boiler corrosion, caustic embrittlement, scale and sludge.
Water treatment: i) Zeolite method and numericals
ii) Demineralization method. Purification of
water: Reverse osmosis and Electrodialysis.
2) Unit III
Engineering Materials
A] Speciality polymers: Introduction, preparation, properties and applications of the following
1. Engineering Thermoplastic: Polycarbonate,
2. Bio-degradable polymers: Poly (hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalanate),
3. Conducting Polymer: Polyacetylene,
4. Electroluminescent polymer: Polyphenylenevinylene,
5. Polymer composites: Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP)- Glass reinforced and Carbon reinforced
polymer composite
[B] Nanomaterials: Introduction, classification of nanomaterials based on dimensions (zero
dimensional, one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional), structure, properties and
applications of graphene and carbon nanotubes, quantum dots (semiconductor nanoparticles).
3)Unit IV
Introduction (definition, classification of fuel based on chemical reactions and characteristics of an
ideal fuel),
Calorific value (CV): Higher calorific value (HCV) and Lower calorific value (LCV),
Determination of Calorific value: Principle, construction and working of Bomb calorimeter and
Boy’s gas calorimeter and numericals,
Solid fuel: Coal: Analysis of Coal-Proximate and Ultimate analysis, numericals,
Liquid fuel: Petroleum: Refining of petroleum /crude oil and composition, boiling range and uses
of various fractions,
Gaseous fuel: Composition, properties and applications of CNG. Hydrogen gas as a future fuel
Alternative fuels: Power alcohol and biodiesel.
4) Unit V
Spectroscopic Techniques
[A]UV-Visible Spectroscopy:
Introduction, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, statement of Beer’s law and
Lambert’s law, absorption of UV radiation by organic molecule leading to different electronic
transitions, terms involved in UV-visible Spectroscopy- chromophore, auxochrome, bathochromic
shift, hypsochromic shift, hyperchromic shift and hypochromic shift, Instrumentation and basic
principle of single beam spectrophotometer, applications of UV-visible spectroscopy.
[B] Infra red Spectroscopy:
Introduction, Principle of IR Spectroscopy, types of vibrations: Stretching (symmetric and
asymmetric) and bending (scissoring, rocking, wagging and twisting), conditions of absorption of
IR radiations, vibration of diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Instrumentation with block
diagram. Parts of IR spectrum, fundamental group region, fingerprint region, applications of IR
5) Unit VI
Corrosion Science
Introduction, Types of corrosion – Dry and Wet corrosion, mechanism of dry corrosion, nature of
oxide films and Pilling-Bedworth’s rule, wet corrosion – mechanism: hydrogen evolution and
oxygen absorption, galvanic cell corrosion, concentration cell corrosion, Factors influencing rate of
corrosion. Methods of corrosion control and prevention: cathodic and anodic protection, metallic
coatings and its types, surface preparation, methods to apply metallic coatings-hot dipping,
cladding, electroplating, cementation.

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