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Study Groups for SELLERS and BUYERS

Hii SHN Sellers and Customers, as you know that social media platforms such as WhatsApp Group, Telegram Channel, Facebook Pages etc are the best way to send any update to the maximum peoples. As we have lots of SHN sellers and Buyers (Customers) who have various types of problems and suggestions that should be resolved in time. So that we also have started our social media profiles to solve all problems of our SHN Sellers and SHN Customers.

Joining links of Social Media Platforms of SHN (Shop Handwritten Notes

If you are unable to join SHN telegram channel please search “Shop Handwritten Notes” in telegram search bar. you can also find the SHN Telegram Channel with this username @shophandwrittennotes. we continuously monitor massages of our Sellers and Customers. So make sure you have join SHN Telegram Channel.

Why should you join SHN Social Media Platforms -Shop Handwritten Notes?

If you are a SHN Notes Seller (Vendor)

  • You can send a massage to the admin to approve your notes for Selling instantly
  • You can send a massage to approve your withdrawal request instantly, so you will get paid as soon as possible
  • You can ask admin, why your notes are still pending. SHN team will tell you what is the problems in your Notes that’s why your uploaded notes are notes are not getting approved
  • Ask any question related to the Notes selling such as Payment Options, Price of the Notes, Pending Notes etc

If you are a SHN Notes buyer (Customer)

  • You can request any notes to the admin, we will arrange best notes for your from our best Sellers (Vendor)
  • If you have any problem related to the notes, you can send your query
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