The P-block elements – Group 13(Boron family) & Group 14( Carbon family) CLASS 11 Handwritten notes for NEET, JEE and other competitive exams


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Class: 11

Subject: Inorganic Chemistry

Chapter: The P- Block Elements ~ GROUP 13( BORON FAMILY) & GROUP 14(CARBON FAMILY)

Written Language: English

Storage: 8.9 MB

Useful for: NEET/JEE/ CLASS 11/ CLASS 12 and other competitive exams

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Topic covered:- 

1. General properties of p-block elements esp. oxidation state
2. Group 13: Boron family
a) Trends of atomic properties mentioned in the chapter
b) Chemical properties Focus on trends in atomic properties and electron deficiency of boron, structure of AlCl3 and their reaction with alkali
c) Anomalous behaviour of boron
d) Short notes on the compounds mentioned under topic ‘some important compounds of Boron’ esp. structure and reactions of diborane and boric acid
3. Group 14: Carbon family
a) Trends of atomic properties mentioned in the chapter
b) Chemical properties esp hydrolysis of tetrachlorides
c) Anomalous behaviour of carbon
d) Allotropes of carbon: Types, structure and distinction between diamond and graphite
e) Short notes on the compounds mentioned under topic ‘some important compounds of carbon’ focussing on their preparation and adverse effects
f) Short notes on the compounds mentioned under topic ‘some important compounds of silicon’ focussing on structure of silicon dioxide, preparation of silicones and how to restrict chain length while its preparation.
g) Short notes on silicates and zeolites

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The P-block elements - Group 13(Boron family) & Group 14( Carbon family) CLASS 11 Handwritten notes for NEET, JEE and other competitive exams
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