
Object Oriented Java Programming. PDF Include Descriptive Exemplarily Java Programs

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These notes are purely based on BCA Course- Object Oriented  Java Programming
these are Descriptive notes
I myself used these notes for Examination preparation and SCORED 90 Marks in Institute Examinations.

Name – Object Oriented Java Programming
Format – PDF Price – 90 Rs/– only
No. of Pages – 86
PDF Size ( 24 MB )

NOTES in Good Handwriting and Clear Scanning

Hope you will find it useful



OOPS – Object Oriented Paradigm, Benefits of OOP, Applications of OOP.

Java – History, Java Features, How Java Differs from C and C++, Java and

internet, Java and World Wide Web, Web Browsers, Hardware and Software

Requirements, Java Supports Systems, Java Environment.


Program Java Structure – Java Tokens, Java Statements, Implementing a

Java Program, Java Virtual Machine, Command Line Arguments, and

.Programming Style.


Keywords: OOPS, JVC, WWW, Java Environment



Java Basics -Constants, Variables, Data Types, Declaration of Variables,

Giving Values to Variables, Scope of Variable, Symbolic Constants, Type

Casting, Getting Values of Variables, Standard Default Values.

Operators – Arithmetic Operator, Relational Operators, Logical Operators,

Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Conditional

Operators, Bitwise Operators, Special Operators,


Keywords: Bitwise Operators, Special Operators



Arithmetic Expressions – Evaluation of Expressions, Precedence of

Arithmetic Operators, Type Conversions in Expressions, Operator

Precedence and Associativity, Mathematical Functions. Decision Making with

if Statement, Simple if Statement, if Else Statement, Nesting of if …else

Statement, if-else Ladder, The Switch Statement, The ? Operator.


Loops – While. Statement, Do Statement, For

Statement, Jump in Loops, Labeled Loops.


Keywords:.Operators, Arithmetic Expressions, Decision Making, Loops



Class – Defining a Class, Adding Variables, Adding Methods, Creating

Objects, Accessing Class Members,

Constructors — definition, default constructor, parameterized constructor,

copy constructor Methods Overloading, Static Members, Nesting of Methods.



Inheritance –Definition, Multilevel inheritance, hierarchical inheritance,

multiple inheritance, hybrid inheritance,Extending a Class, Overloading

Methods, Final Variables and Methods, Final Classes, Finalize Methods,

Abstract Methods and Classes,. Visibility Control Arrays, One Dimensional

Array, Strings. Defining Interfaces, Extending

Interfaces, Implementing Interfaces, Accessing Interface Variables.


Keywords: Inheritance, Final, Abstract Methods, Overloading


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