Time Period – 1599 to 1950
Establishment of East India Company-Administration of Justice in Presidency Towns (1600-1726) and the development of Courts and judicial institutions Under the East India company. Establishment of Mayor’s Courts under the Charter of 1726 and changes Introduced by Charter of 1753.
Regulating Act of 1773 and establishment of Supreme Court at Calcutta.SettlementAct 1781
Leading Cases:
(a) Trial of Raja Nand Kumar
(b) Patna Case
(c) Cossijurah Case.
Adalat System, Reform introduced by Warren Hastings, Cornwallis and William Bentinck.
Establishment of High Court under the Indian High Courts Act 1861
Judicial Committee of Privy Council as Court of appeal and its jurisdiction Abolition of jurisdiction of the Privy Council
Indian Council Act 1861
Indian Council Act of 1892
Government of India Act 1909
Government of India Act 1919
Government of India Act, 1935
Transfer of power and Indian Independence Act, 1947, Modern Judicial system in India. History of Law reporting in India
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