1.Axial skeleton
2.Appendicular skeleton
3.Structure of bone
4.Composition of bone
5.Attachment of muscle with bone
6.Classification of muscles
- On the basis of locomotion
- On the basis of appearanace
- On the basis of nature of regulation
7.Skeletal muscles
- Thin filaments
- Thick filaments
9.Sliding filament theory
10.Generation and conduction of nerve impulse
- Transmission of impulse along axon
- Nerve transmission across synapse
11.Synapse (Electrical synapse and chemical synapse)
13.Neuromuscular junction/Motor end plate
14.Some disorders
- Myasthenia gravis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Tetany
15.Types of skeletal muscles
16.Types of smooth muscle
17.Cardiac muscles
Human physiology-Locomotion and movements Handwritten Notes PDF
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