- Generally important terms
- Historical aspect
- Pre- Mendelian ideas about Inheritance a) Theories of Blending Inheritance
- Father of Genetics -Gregor Johann Mendel a) Mendel’s Experimental technique. b) Hybridisation c) Reasons for non recognition of Mendel’s work d) Rediscovery of Mendel’s work e) Reasons for Mendel’s success . f) The changing concept of Inheritance g) Mendel’s laws of Inheritance
- Post Mendelian Discoveries a) Incomplete dominance. -Four o’clock plant, Snapdragon, Andulasian fowls -1.Tay Sachs disease . -2.Familial Hypercholesterolemia b) Codominance
- Multiple Alleles a) Eye colour in Drosophila b) Coat colour in Rabbits
- Lethal Genes a) Dominant lethal genes b) Recessive lethal genes c) Conditional lethal genes
- Pleiotropy a) Drosophila b) Pea plant c) Cotton d) Pleiotropy in Humans -Sickle cell Anemia -Phenylketonuria -Kartagener’s syndrome -Cystic Fibrosis
- Quantitative inheritance e. g. Kernel colour in wheat
- Intergenic Interaction a) Epistasis – Dominant and Recessive b) Duplicate Genes
- Each of the concepts listed above are called explained in detail as per the requirement of NEET .
Handwritten notes of class 12th biology chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variations part 1
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