
Complete IUPAC nomenclature with lots of PYQ and 300+ questions GOC by kota’s top institutes JEE mains and advanced

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This includes complete IUPAC nomenclature with basic concepts of organic chemistry.
Pdf size :-32 mb
Pages :- 69


This pdf includes following points :-

Pdf size :- 32mb

Pdf pages :- 69

Topics covered :-

  1. Development of organic chemistry
  2. Structural representations of organic compounds
  3. Drawing molecules in 3D
  4. Degree of C
  5. Degree of H and Amine and halogens
  6. Hydridization in short
  7. DOU ( degree of unsaturation )
  8. Classification of organic compounds
  9. Homologous series
  10. Nomenclature of alkanes , alkenes , alkynes
  11. Nomenclature of compounds having multiple bonds , functional groups
  12. Complex substitutents
  13. Suffix class and prefix class functional groups
  14. Nomenclature of cyclic compounds

Nomenclature of aromatic compounds

Common naming

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