Basic Computer Programming (C language) Notes PDF


Worksheet on basic Computer Programming (C language) with more than 30 examples.
Perfect for revision purposes and polishing C basics.


The language of pdf is English

Pdf contains a total of  34 pages

Content list:

1) Write a program to calculate the salary of an employee, given his basic pay (to be entered by the user). HRA is 10% of the basic pay; TA is 5% of the basic pay. Calculate the Gross salary of an employee.

2) Write a program to calculate the area and circumference of a circle.

3) Write a program to enter any alphabet in a small case and display it in upper case.

4) Write a program to enter any alphabet in upper case and display it in lower case.

5) Write a program to read roll no., age, and gender of a student and display the details of a student with proper headlines for each variable.

6) Write a program to convert degrees Fahrenheit into degree Celsius.

7) Write a program to check whether the given number is even or odd.

8) Write a program to check whether the given number is positive, negative, or zero.

9) Write a program to find the greatest of three numbers.

10) Write a program to check whether the input character entered by the user is lowercase, uppercase, digit, or a special symbol.

11) Write a program to find profit and loss for a given cost price and selling price.

12) Implement calculation with the following functionality: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, using switch case.

13) Write a program to print a multiplication table of any number.

14) Write a program to find a reverse of a given number.

15) Write a program to find the sum and multiplication of individual digits of the entered number.

16) Write a program to check whether the given number is Armstrong number or not.

17) Write a program to check whether the given number is palindrome number or not.

18) Write a program to find the Factorial of a given number.

19) Write a program to find the Fibonacci series of n numbers entered by the user.

20) Write a program to print the Floyd’s triangle.

21) Write a program to find the sum of marks of n students using array.

22) Write a program to find the addition of two 2-Dimensional matrixes.

23) Write a program to find the multiplication of two 2-Dimensional matrixes.

24) Write a program to enter your name and print it.

25) Write a program to enter any sentence and find out its total length.

26) Write a program to enter any string and print its reverse.

27) Write a program to enter any string and find the number of vowels and consonants in it.

28) Write a program to enter any string and find out how many times a particular character is present in it.

29) Write a program to enter any two strings and concatenate those two strings.

30) Write a Program to swap two numbers using call by value.

31) Write a Program to swap two numbers using call by reference.

32) Write a Program to Write a string in the file named in-file and then read the string from it convert it to upper case and write it to out-file.

Basic Computer Programming (C language) Notes PDF

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  • Vendor: Everyone's Study Corner
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Basic Computer Programming (C language) Notes PDF