
Introduction of Energy Sources And its conversion_SME_UNIT_1_FE_2019_Pattern_New_And_Updated_Notes

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Subject : System in Mechanical Engineering

Topic Name : Introduction of Energy Sources And its conversion

Pages: 58

Size: 19 Mb

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Unit I Introduction of energy sources & its conversion

Energy sources: Thermal energy, Hydropower energy, Nuclear energy, Solar energy, Geothermal energy, Wind energy, Hydrogen energy, Biomass energy and Tidal energy. Grades of Energy. (Numerical on efficiency calculation of thermal power plant ) Energy conversion devices: Introduction of pump, compressor, turbines, wind mills etc (Simple numerical on power and efficiency calculations)

Introduction of Energy Sources And its conversion_SME_UNIT_1_FE_2019_Pattern_New_And_Updated_Notes

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Introduction of Energy Sources And its conversion_SME_UNIT_1_FE_2019_Pattern_New_And_Updated_Notes
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