Hydrogen – Inorganic Chemistry Class 11 Handwritten notes for NEET/ JEE and other competitive exams


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Class: 11

Subject: Inorganic Chemistry

Chapter: Hydrogen

Written Language: English

Storage: 5.7 MB

Useful for: NEET/JEE/ CLASS 11/ CLASS 12 and other competitive exams


Every minor topic cover

Topic covered:- 

1. Isotopes of hydrogen

2. Dihydrogen: Preparation, properties and uses

3. Hydrides and its three types

4. Difference between structures of ice and water

5. Chemical properties of water

6. Hard and soft water: Definition and methods of removal

7. H2O2: Preparation, structure and properties

8. Use of dihydrogen as an efficient fuel

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Hydrogen - Inorganic Chemistry Class 11 Handwritten notes for NEET/ JEE and other competitive exams
30.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹15.00.