If you want to earn Money by selling the PDFs of your Study Notes online, Then SHN website is the solution. Here on SHN website, you can sell your Unlimited Notes to earn money in India as well as in all over the world. Till December 2021, more than 3000 Sellers are registered and more than 2500 PDFs are added for selling.

Complete procedure to Sell your Notes on SHN (Notes selling on SHN is FREE)

  1. Create vendor account on SHN by visiting this link
  2. Add products (Notes PDF) with proper description and images.
    NOTE : Your notes must be uploaded on Google drive .you just need to enter Google drive link on SHN. No need to upload direct PDF on SHN.
  3. We will review your notes and will approve if notes are original and quality
  4. If notes are good and original we will approve
  5. You will see total payments, sales etc in your vendor dashboard when someone will buy your notes
  6. We will pay you after earning 100 Rs or more via Google Pay, Phone Pay, BHIM, Direct bank account etc

SHN website is completely safe and Genuine website to sell your PDF Notes, So don’t worry create your account and start earning money from now. Notes selling the easiest way to earn money online because it don’t need your extra efforts and time. You can sell you class notes that are already prepared by you for your exam preparation or for Homework. It takes less than 10 Minutes to add a PDF on SHN if you already have a PDF file.

This website is specially designed to help those students who really want money for their daily expensive. This is the simplest way to earn money online as a Student. You don’t need to deliver notes at Customer’s address, because you will sell only PDF of notes. After payments, Customers can download the PDF 

What is the Working Procedure of SHN?

Selling notes on SHN is very easy. there are 4 simple steps

A) Create Free Account:

Create Free Account: Register as Vendor by using your Email and Password. Put working email because it will very important to get all updates regarding notes Approval, Selling and payments. Store name will be also asked during registration so keep it anything like Super Easy Notes, Short Notes by …your name…, Best Handwritten Notes for JEE / NEE/ UPSC/ CAT etc.

B) Upload PDF:

There will be 2 steps –

1. Google Drive: First upload your PDF on Google Drive then come to SHN to sell your that PDF.

2. Add Notes on SHN: after uploading the PDF on Google drive now you can start adding product on SHN. Click on Add Product from Vendor Dashboard. Add Product Image (Notes Photo), Short Description (Total Pages, PDF Size and Language), Choose Category, Choose Tags, and make sure DOWNLOADABLE is ticked. Then Click on Add file. Put the Name of your notes in File Name. and in File URL Section Put Google Drive link.

Warning: Your Google drive link of PDF should be accessible for everyone. otherwise we will not be able to open your PDF to check. If you don’t know how to check whether your PDF is accessible for everyone of Not, open your google Drive link in PRIVATE WINDOW or INCOGNIOTO Tab in browser. if PDF is opening here, then your file is sharable to everyone. If not opening, Go to google drive and select that PDF. Click on options then choose Share. Then change the audience to EVERYONE.

C) Review Process:

After adding notes by you, it will be reviewed by our SHN team. We will check the quality and Content of your notes. then we will approve if notes are original and good quality. Notes Review Timing: 6 – 9 AM, 1- 2 PM, 8 – 11 PM

D) Payment:

When someone will purchase your notes on SHN, You will get money. This money will be transferred to your Vendor Dashboard. After rteaching 100 Rs, you have to send a withdrawal request from Vendor Dashboard. We will pay via Google Pay/ Phone Pay/ BHIM/ Paytm/ Bank Account. within 24 Hrs.

Shop Handwritten Notes (SHN) Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Sellers/Vendors

The following are very important terms and conditions for the sellers

If you want to sell your notes on this website you have to follow these terms and conditions of this website (https://shop.handwrittennotes.in)

  1. Notes should be written by you.
  2. There should be no watermark anywhere in the notes.
  3. Quality of notes should be good.
  4. . If you try to sell the notes which are already available on the Internet/ /Telegram/Whatsapp/ Facebook etc then your account will be suspended immediately and your outstanding money/Balance will not be paid.
  5. While adding the Notes on this website, you will use the photos of the same PDF that you want to sell here, these preview photos should be chosen from that PDF.
  6. If you are a seller, and your buyer has any problem regarding your notes, then you have to solve that problem as soon as possible.
  7. If you are selling someone else’s notes on this website, your account will be suspended immediately.
  8. If it is known about the notes uploaded by you that it belongs to someone other than you, and that person does not allow you to sell this note. In this case, also your account will be suspended and your personal information will be given to that person so that that person can take further action on you. So, always sell only the notes which are written by you.
  9. While uploading the notes, you must provide your mobile number, email id so that someone can contact you.

  1. ऐसे नोट्स अपलोड न करें जो आपके द्वारा नहीं बनाए गए हैं।.
  2. केवल वही नोट्स बेचें जो आपके/ आपके भाई बहन / आपके मित्र (जिसे आप अच्छी तरह से जानते हों ) के द्वारा बनाए गए हों ।
  3. उन नोटों को बेचने की कोशिश न करें जो इंटरनेट / Telegram/ WhatsApp/ फेसबुक या अन्य प्लेटफार्म पर पहले से उपलब्ध हैं।
  4. केवल वही नोट्स बेचें जो आपके/ आपके भाई बहन / आपके मित्र (जिसे आप अच्छी तरह से जानते हों ) के द्वारा बनाए गए हों ।
  5. उन नोटों को बेचने की कोशिश न करें जो इंटरनेट / Telegram/ WhatsApp/ फेसबुक या अन्य प्लेटफार्म पर पहले से उपलब्ध हैं।
  6. ऐसे नोट्स न बेचें जिनमें वॉटरमार्क हो।
  7. ऐसे नोट्स न बेचें जो पढने योग्य न हों। या जिनकी क्वालिटी ख़राब हो |
  8. नोट्स को अपलोड करते समय आपको अपने नोट्स की 5 फोटोज डालनी पडेंगी | ये फोटो आपके नोट्स की ही होनी चाहिए जिसे आपका अपलोड करना चाहते हैं |
  9. नोट्स अपलोड करते समय, आपको अपना मोबाइल नंबर, ईमेल आईडी प्रदान करना होगा ताकि जरुरत पड़ने पर कोई भी आपसे संपर्क कर सके।

Customer’s Problems

Unable to Upload PDF on SHN (Max Limit is only 1 MB)

This is not a problem. We don’t allow to upload PDF directly on Website. You have to upload your notes on Google Drive and then Place the Sharable link of this notes on SHN Website to add your notes. Click here to watch video

I am Unable to download PDF

If your payment is successful, then you have to Click on Button that is under DOWNLOAD section. The name of that button may be “Name of Notes” or “Get PDF”. After clicking this button a PDF File will be opened. Click on the Download Arrow in the Upper Right corner to download it in your device.

You will also receive the email, that will have your notes link (May be Google Drive link). For more help Send a WhatsApp message on +91 8815928974

My Notes
100% FREE Notes