
Engineering materials (polymers) handwritten notes PDF Download

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Subject : Engineering materials (polymers)
Total pages : 28
Size : 4.2 MB
Language : English
Note: refer this notes for exam time and score good marks. I have also scored excellent marks using this notes.

Engineering materials (polymers) handwritten notes PDF Download


Contents in pdf

Engineering Materials (Polymers)

A] Speciality polymers: Introduction, preparation, properties and applications of the following polymers:

1. Engineering Thermoplastic: Polycarbonate.

2. Bio-degradable polymers: Poly (hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalanate).

3. Conducting Polymer: Polyacetylene.

4. Electroluminescent polymer: Polyphenylenevinylene.

5. Polymer composites: Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP)- Glass reinforced and Carbon reinforced polymer composite

[B] Nanomaterials: Introduction, classification of nanomaterials based on dimensions (zero dimensional, one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional), structure, properties and applications of graphene and carbon nanotubes, quantum dots (semiconductor nanoparticles).

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