
engineering chemistry fuels handwritten notes PDF Download

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Subject : FUELS

Total pages: 45

size : 7 MB

language : English

Note: refer this notes and score good marks in exams. I have also scored good marks in exams using this notes.

engineering chemistry fuels handwritten notes PDF Download


Unit IV

Fuels  Introduction

(definition, classification of fuel based on chemical reactions and characteristics of an ideal fuel), Calorific value (CV): Higher calorific value (HCV) and Lower calorific value (LCV),

Determination of Calorific value: Principle, construction and working of Bomb calorimeter and Boy’s gas calorimeter and numerical, Solid fuel: Coal: Analysis of Coal-Proximate and Ultimate analysis, numerical.

Liquid fuel: Petroleum: Refining of petroleum /crude oil and composition, boiling range and uses of various fractions, Gaseous fuel: Composition, properties and applications of CNG. Hydrogen gas as a future fuel Alternative fuels: Power alcohol and biodiesel.

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