
ELECTRODYNAMICS II GATE/CSIR-NET/Btech 1st year handwritten notes

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Hi there!! These notes are prepared in accordance with the current GATE syllabus.
Useful for Btech/Bsc university exams, CSIR-NET exam , GATE exam.
Subject – Applied Physics
PDF size – 3.5mb
Pages – 32
Language – English


Topics covered in these notes are mentioned below :

1) Gauss law

2) Faraday’s law & Ampere circuital law

3) Inconsistency in Ampere Circuital law & concept of displacement current

4) Maxwell’s equations

5) Maxwell’s equation and plane EM wave in free space

6) Poynting theorem

7) Plane EM waves in an Isotropic Dielectric medium

8) Plane EM waves in Conducting medium

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ELECTRODYNAMICS II GATE/CSIR-NET/Btech 1st year handwritten notes
35.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹25.00.