Electric Potential And Capacitance, Class 12 Notes Physics


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Total Pages – 28

File Size – 14.7 mb

Language – English

Useful for – Class 12, JEE, NEET


Topics Covered (with diagram and derivation)

  1. Electric Potential.
  2. Electric Potential at a point due to a point charge.
  3. Net Potential due to a system of charges.
  4. Potential Energy possessed by a point charge placed at any point in the electric field.
  5. Mutual potential energy due to a pair of point charge.
  6. Potential due to dipole.
  7. Relation connecting Electric Field Intensity and Potential.
  8. Potential Energy in an external electric field due to dipole.
  9. Conservative Nature of Electric Field.
  10. Potential Difference.
  11. Equipotential Surface and its Properties.
  12. Capacitors, laws of capacitors, and its conventional unit.
  13. Types of Capacitors.
  14. Energy Stored in a Capacitor.
  15. Expression for Energy Density.
  16. Combination of Capacitors.
  17. Dielectric Medium and its types.
  18. Effect of Dielectric Medium on the Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
  19. Electrostatics Of Capacitors.

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Electric Potential And Capacitance, Class 12 Notes Physics
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