
Dental Plaque and Calculus Handwritten Notes PDF

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This PDF contains 10 pages and in size so it can be downloaded easily and written in simple English language that can be easily understood and read. It is written from the exam point of view, you don’t need book for this chapter.

Total Pages: 10

PDF Size:  932 KB


Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth. Bacteria in plaque produce acids after you eat or drink. These acids can destroy tooth enamel and cause cavities and gingivitis (gum disease). Plaque can also develop under the gums on tooth roots and break down the bones that support teeth.
In dentistry, calculus or Tar-Tar is a specific form of dental plaque which has hardened. It is caused by the collection of minerals from saliva and gingival crevicular fluid in plaque found on the teeth. This process of precipitation actually kills off the bacterial cells that are within the dental plaque.

This PDF contains 10 pages and in size so it can be downloaded easily and written in simple English language that can be easily understood and read. It is written from the exam point of view, you don’t need book for this chapter.

This document shares with you the detailed information on Dental Plaque and Calculus. Dental plaque is defined clinically as a structured resilient yellowish Gray substance that adheres  initially to intraoral hard surfaces including removable and the fixed restorations. This PDF contains the classification, the composition of biofilm, the process of formation of Plaque and various complexes that is involved in its formation and the most important are the “plaque hypothesis” that is the nonspecific plaque hypothesis; specific plaque hypothesis; and ecological plaque hypothesis.

Calculus can be defined as a hard deposit that is formed by the mineralization of dental plaque and it is generally covered by the layer of an mineralized plaque. This section describes the classification of the calculus in detail, its formation and difference between plaque and calculus is also described.

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Dental Plaque and Calculus Handwritten Notes PDF
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