All the topics covered in detail according to ncert 11th biology book
proper explanation for each and every topic
1) What is respiration? , need of respiration, steps involved in respiration
2) Modes of respiration in animals
3)Human respiratory system
4)Conducting zone, respiratory zone,structure of alveoli , position of lungs, structure of lungs
5)Mechanism of breathing [normal inspiration and expiration , forcible inspiration and expiration]
6)Pulmonary volumes and capacities
7)Concept of partial pressure,diffusion of gases, factors affecting diffusion , diffusion membrane
8)Structure of haemoglobin , binding of haemoglobin with different gases
9) Transport of o2 and co2
10)oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve [ right shift and left shift ; BOHR EFFECT , HALDANE EFFECT ; P50 VALUE]
11)Neural control of respiration[ respiratory rhythm centre , pneumotaxic centre, chemoreceptors ]
12) Respiratory disorders[ asthma, emphysema, occupational respiratory disorder ]
——————- THE END ————————-
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