
BDS Notes: Dental care of special/ handicapped child Handwritten Notes PDF

Original price was: ₹50.00.Current price is: ₹38.00.

In recent years, the dental profession has shown increased concern in providing complete oral health care to special (mentally- or physically-challenged one) children.

The specialty of pediatric dentistry provides primary and comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic dental needs to these special children.
This document contains 15 pages and is almost only 3 MB in size.

It contains a detailed information on the handicapped children like the types, some specific disorders are explained in detail like Intellectual disability, Down’s syndrome, Learning disability, Autism, Cerebral palsy, Epilepsy, Hearing loss & Visual impairment. You will get to know about the management of children with special needs.

Total Pages -15

Total PDF Size – 3 MB

Language – English

Class – BDS

Notes Type- Handwritten Notes


BDS Notes: Dental care of special/ handicapped child Handwritten Notes PDF

Handicapped can be defined as “the one who over an appreciable period of time is prevented by physical or mental condition from full participation in normal activities of their age group, including those of his social, recreational, educational and vocational nature.”

These children require much more care physically as well as emotionally including their health and DENTAL NEEDS. The dental condition of children with special health care needs may be directly or indirectly related to their disabilities.

In recent years, the dental profession has shown increased concern in providing complete oral health care to special (mentally- or physically-challenged one) children. The specialty of pediatric dentistry provides primary and comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic dental needs to these special children.

This document contains 15 pages and is almost only 3 MB in size. It contains a detailed information on the handicapped children like the types, some specific disorders are explained in detail like Intellectual disability, Down’s syndrome, Learning disability, Autism, Cerebral palsy, Epilepsy, Hearing loss & Visual impairment. You will get to know about the management of children with special needs.

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BDS Notes: Dental care of special/ handicapped child Handwritten Notes PDF
50.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹38.00.