Is shop handwritten notes safe?

Yes, 100% genuine. Shop Handwritten Notes website is the completely safe for buyers and sellers. There are more than 10,000 sellers registered and more than 1500 customers are purchasing every month. There is dedicated HELPLINE (Call and WhatsApp) available for any type of query and suggestion. That’s why SHN website is India’s fastest growing platform among Students and Teachers to buy and sell their study material.

Can I sell my handwritten notes?

Sure, Shop Handwritten Notes (SHN Notes) website is dedicated for this. If you have good quality of notes in any language then you can sell it on SHN website and can generate a good amount of income.

How much i can earn on SHN Website for Notes Selling?

This is not fixed and depends upon the quality and quantity of notes. If you will add approx. 25 Notes of full chapters / Subject than you can expect 5,000 – 10,000 per month. Also during the exam season you can earn even more.

How to sell notes on Shop Handwritten Notes website?

Follow these steps to get started:-

Go to website – Shop Handwritten Notes/My-account

  1. Create or Log into you account”
  2. Go to Vendor Dashboard
  3. Click on “ADD New Product”
  4. Enter Product/Notes name
  5. Upload Pictures of Notes
  6. Set Price of your Notes
  7. Write Short Description of your notes (Name, Size, Pages, Language etc)
  8. Select Category and Tags of the Notes
  9. Write Table of Content (Topics of your notes which are described in notes
  10. Click on “Create Product”
  11. Check (Click) the options of “Downloadable” & “Virtual”
  12. Add PDF file of your notes
  13. Set Download Limit (Recommended- 5) & Download Expiry (Recommended- 30)
  14. Save the Product
  15. Your Product will be live (Online) on the website after getting Approval

Warning: Only upload your original Notes otherwise your notes will not be approved

Note: Must add PDF file and Description of the Notes otherwise notes be not be approved.


Before selling your notes on this website, must read these terms and conditions of this website to earn money. You have to follow all the points mentioned here.

  1. Don’t upload or sell notes which are not created by you.
  2. Sell only those notes which are created by you.
  3. Don’t try to sell notes which are already available on the internet.
  4. Don’t sell notes which have a watermark.
  5. Don’t sell notes which are not readable.
  6. Don’t Sell notes of poor quality.

The featured image of the product should be from your PDF Notes.

If you will try to upload notes which are already available on the Internet/Telegram/WhatsApp/Facebook and another platform, your account will be suspended immediately. So be honest and earn money with us.

My Notes
100% FREE Notes