Chapters and Topics Included on PDF
- Field structure and ordered structure of R, intervals, bounded and unbounded sets, supremum and infimum, completeness in R, absolute value of a real number.
- Sequence of real numbers
- Limit of a sequence
- Bounded and monotonic sequences
- Cauchy’s general principle of convergence
- Algebra of sequence and some important theorems
Module – II
- Series of non-negative terms
- Convergence of positive term series
- Alternating series and Leibnitz’s test
- Absolute and Conditional Convergence of Series of real terms
- Uniform continuity
- Chain rule of differentiability
- Mean value theorems and their geometrical interpretations
Module – III
- Limit and continuity of functions of two variables
- Change of variables
- Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions
- Taylor’s theorem for functions of two variables
- Jacobians
- Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables
- Lagrange’s multiplier method
Module – IV
- Partial differential equations of the first order
- Lagrange’s solution
- Some special types of equations which can be solved easily by methods other than the general method
- Charpit’s general method
- Partial differential equations of second and higher orders
Module – V
- Classification of partial differential equations of second order
- Homogeneous and non-homogeneous partial differential equations of constant coefficients
- Partial differential equations reducible to equations with constant coefficients
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