
Total Quality Management Computerized Notes for Mechanical Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed

Original price was: ₹60.00.Current price is: ₹40.00.

Total Quality Management Computerized Notes for Mechanical Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed

Subject: Total Quality Management

Total Pages: 80 (Including Cover page & Syllabus)

PDF Size: 932 KB

Language: English

Format: PDF

Total Quality Management pdf notes completely prepared by me. It can be used in all type of exams & viva session or in job interview. Directly you can prepare & attempt test easily. A complete explanation with diagrams so you can understand easily. This pdf notes helps you to get good marks.


Total Quality Management Computerized Notes for Mechanical Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed


  1. Introduction.
  2. Management of Process Quality.
  3. Customer Focus and Satisfaction.
  4. Bench Marking.
  5. Organizing for TQM
  6. Seven Tools of TQM
  7. The Cost of Quality.
  8. ISO 9000
My Notes
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Total Quality Management Computerized Notes for Mechanical Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed
60.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹40.00.