
Computer Oriented Statistical Methods Handwritten Notes for Computer Science & Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed

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Computer Oriented Statistical Methods Handwritten Notes for Computer Science & Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed

Subject: Computer Oriented Statistical Methods

Total Pages: 363 (Including Cover page & Syllabus)

PDF Size: 75.5 MB

Language: English

Format: PDF

Computer Oriented Statistical Methods pdf notes completely prepared by me. It can be used in all type of exams & viva session or in job interview. Directly you can prepare & attempt test easily. A complete explanation with diagrams so you can understand easily. This pdf notes helps you to get good marks.

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Computer Oriented Statistical Methods Handwritten Notes for Computer Science & Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed


  1. Probability.
  2. Random Variables and Probability Distributions.
  3. Mathematical Expectation.
  4. Probability Distributions.
  5. Continuous Probability Distributions.
  6. Fundamental Sampling Distributions.
  7. Estimation & Tests of Hypotheses.
  8. Statistical Hypotheses.
  9. Stochastic Processes and Markov Chains.
My Notes
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Computer Oriented Statistical Methods Handwritten Notes for Computer Science & Engineering by Riyaz Mohammed
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