Class10 Economics Development (Printed notes)


Original price was: ₹25.00.Current price is: ₹10.00.


  1. Class10
  2. Social Science
  3. Economics

Development- Chapter 1

  1. Language- English
  2. Number of Pages- 5
  3. File size- 680.7 KB


These are printed notes for Class 10 students.

  1. It is of the chapter ‘Development’ of Economics.
  2. Contains full notes. Covers all the topics.
  3. Class 10
  4. Social Science
  5. SST
  6. Economics
  7. Development- Chapter 1
  8. Language- English
  9. Number of Pages- 5
  10. File size- 680.7 KB

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Class10 Economics Development (Printed notes)
25.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹10.00.