
Class 12th Chemistry chapter 4: Chemical kinetics Handwritten Notes – SHN Notes

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Class :12th
Subject :Chemistry
Chapter :Chemical kinetics
Language :English
Pages :44
PDF size :15.03MB

Class 12th Chemistry chapter 4: Chemical kinetics Handwritten Notes


Classification of chemical reactions on the basis of their rate

  1. Rate of reaction                                            a) Types of rate                                             b) Solved problems                                     c) Rate law expression                               d) Rate constant
  2. Order of a reaction
  3. Molecularity of a reaction
  4. Types of reactions based on their order and molecularity
  5. Zero order reactions                                   a) examples of zero order reactions       b) Integrated rate law for zero order reactions                                                        c) Half life period                                         d) concentration of products Vs time graph
  6. First order reactions                                   a) Examples of first order reactions       b) Characteristics of first order reactions                                                        c) Integrated rate law of first order reactions                                                        d) Half life period of first order reactions                                                        e) Examples                                                   f) Graphs of first order reactions             – 5 graphs                                                      g) Use of other variables instead of concentration in first order reactions     – 8 Cases                                                        h) Complex first order reactions              i) Graphical Representation
  7. Sequential Reactions
  8. Reversible reactions
  9. Methods of finding the order of a reaction                                                         a) Graphical method                                  b) Half life method                                     c) Integrated rate law method                 d) Initial rate method
  10. Solved problems
  11. Each concept explained in a much easier format along with extra content required for NEET and JEE. It includes graphs, pointers, problems and concepts.

Class 12th Chemistry chapter 4: Chemical kinetics Handwritten Notes

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Class 12th Chemistry chapter 4: Chemical kinetics Handwritten Notes - SHN Notes
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