
Chapter: 1 Electric charges and fields Handwritten Notes Class 12th

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  1. Class 12th Chapter: 1 Electric charges and fields Handwritten Notes
  • Class : 12th
  • Subject : Physics
  • Total pages : 43
  • Mb : 90.99
  • Best notes ever, according to my experience I scored very well using these and my sister gets the highest marks in this subject ..using these notes. Shop NOW!! and rock!


1. Electric charges and it’s types.

  • * Method of Charging.
  • * Fundamental Charge
  • * Properties of electric charge
  • * Numericals

2. Coulomb’s Law

  • * Vector form, Units and             Dimensions.

3. Superposition Theorem.

4. Graphs

* Numericals

5. Comparison between electrostatics force and gravitational force.

6. Continuous charge distribution.

7. Electric field

  • * Intensity of Electric field.
  • * Electric field due to point charge.

8. Cartesian components.

* Numericals

9. Electric field lines and it’s properties along with traces.

10. Electric dipole, dipole moment.

  • * Electric field due to an electric dipole.

11. Torque

12. Work done in rotating dipole in uniform electric field.

13. Area vector, Electric flux.

14. Gauss theorem and it’s applications.

Proof of every law in detail is been provided.




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Chapter: 1 Electric charges and fields Handwritten Notes Class 12th
45.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹14.00.