
Biomolecules class12 Chemistry Notes PDF

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Detailed notes on Biomolecules.
1. classification of carbohydrates
2. Monosaccharides
3. D & L Nomenclature of Glucose/Carbohydrates
4. Epimers
5. Closed chain structure of glucose
6. Mutarotation
7. Proteins
8. Denaturation of Protein
9. Nucleic Acid

15 Pages

9 MB



Detailed notes on Biomolecules.
1. classification of carbohydrates
2. Monosaccharides
3. D & L Nomenclature of Glucose/Carbohydrates
4. Epimers
5. Closed chain structure of glucose
6. Mutarotation
7. Proteins
8. Denaturation of Protein
9. Nuleic Acid

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Biomolecules class12 Chemistry Notes PDF
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