
Biomolecules Biology Short Handwritten Notes PDF

Original price was: ₹7.00.Current price is: ₹6.00.

Subject: Biology
Topic: Concise notes of Biomolecules for quick revision
Total pages in pdf: 7
Size of the pdf: 0.95 MB
Language: English

Biomolecules Biology Short Handwritten Notes PDF


Topics involved in the pdf are:

1.General formulas

2.Types of Carbohydrates,Proteins and Lipids with its explanation

3.Nucleic acid

4.Primary and Secondary metabolites concept with difference between them

5.Acid soluble and acid insoluble components with the exception of lipid

6.Different types of amino acid with the short tricks to remember the names of amino acid

7.Isoelectric point concept

8.Different types of amino acids like sulphur containing, Neutral,Basic ,Acidic with its examples and Short tricks to remember the examples

9.Different types of lipid including Saturated and Unsaturated fatty acid with its important examples

10.Different types of biomacromolecules including Monosaccharides , Disaccharides along with types of Homopolysaccharide and heteropolysaccharides

11.Different types of proteins and its examples

12.Important tables useful for various entrance examinations

This is the most concised Pdf of the chapter biomolecules.You will be able to revise the key points of this whole topic within 15-20 minutes through this pdf hence it will be useful for last moment quick revision during your exams

Biomolecules Biology Short Handwritten Notes PDF

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Biomolecules Biology Short Handwritten Notes PDF
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