Basic Public Administration | As per NEP, BA Political Science Handwritten Notes PDF Download


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These notes are purely based on BA Political Science.
these are Descriptive notes I myself used these notes for Examination preparation and SCORED A+ Marks in Institute Examinations.
BA Political Science | As per NEP Handwritten Notes PDF

Subject- Political Science
Total page- 149
Type – PDF
Total MB- 72(  Higher Quality )

NOTES in Good Handwriting and Clear Scanning

Hope you will find it useful😊.


Module – I

  • Public Administration as a discipline:
  1. Meaning, Nature and Scope
  2. Evolution of Public Administration
  3. Public and Private Administration
  4. New Public Administration

Keywords: Administration, Public, Private


Module – II

  • Basic principles and concepts :
  1. Organization
  2. Hierarchy
  3. Span of Control
  4. Unity of Command
  5. Line and Staff

Keywords: Hierarchy. Delegation, Supervision


Module – III

  • Theories of Administration
  1. Scientific Management (Taylor and the Scientific Management Movement)
  2. Classical Theory (Henry Fayol, Luther Gullick)
  3. Bureaucratic Theory (Max Weber and his Critics)
  4. Human Relations Theory (Elton Mayo)

Keywords: Bureaucratic, Motivational


Module – IV

  • Personnel Administration (With Special focus on India)
  1. Civil Services
  2. Role of Civil Service in India
  3. Recruitment, Training and Promotion in Civil Service
  4. Emerging trends and Challenges in Indian Bureaucracy
  5. Keywords: Bureaucracy


Module – V

  • Financial Administration (With Special focus on India):
  1. Budget: Meaning and Significance
  2. Types of Budgets
  3. Principles of an Ideal Budget
  4. Comptroller and Auditor General of India

Keywords: Budget,Accounting, Auditing 

Vendor Information

  • Store Name: AmitKumar
  • Vendor: AmitKumar
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