Artificial intelligence gate smasher youtube lecture full notes

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹99.00.Current price is: ₹19.00.

Total Pages – 103

Pdf Size – 35 MB

Language – English

Subject – Artificial intelligence

SKU: NA0003 Categories: , Tag:


Artificial intelligence gate smasher youtube lecture full neat and clean notes of total 37 lectures

  1. Overview of AI: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, its applications, and potential impact on various industries.
  2. Key Concepts: Explanation of machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, and computer vision.
  3. AI Algorithms: Discussion on supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning.
  4. Real-world Examples: Showcasing AI success stories in healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems.
  5. Ethical Considerations: Addressing the importance of responsible AI development and potential challenges.

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  • Vendor: notesbazar
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Artificial intelligence gate smasher youtube lecture full notes
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